I was on a plane to Eire recently for a 3-day weekend business conference – a time to work on my objective for the year and take some time out to review what I do. It is so easy to be busy with all the things that grabs our attention, that we fail to find the time to review where we have reached and what next steps are needed. Or perhaps wanted.
It was a glorious day to be flying and we took off on time with an expected early ETA – always a delight, as many fellow travellers will know. As someone who used to fly regularly, and often end up with delays and pressurised agendas, the pleasure of travel sometimes was removed due to the stress. Today was a lovely exception.
As we took off, the compulsory safety routine was run through by the cabin crew. As you may remember, part of the instructions follow something like this: “in the event of a depressurisation of the cabin an oxygen mask will fall from the cabin above – gently pull the mask towards you and place over your nose and mouth”. Now the next part is crucial, and many people who I have asked on workshops I run have seldom be able to say what follows next. In fact if I ask them, if they were with children, whose mask would they put on first, they usually say their children. However, the instruction from the crew continues “….ensure you place your mask on first before helping others”. This is for a good reason – if you have looked after yourself you will be in a better position to help others.
Now a key question – do you look after yourself first in your business and your life? Or are you so busy looking after others that you weaken yourself and place yourself last on the list?
This weekend away allowed me time to focus on my plans.
High above the clouds there are no distractions, no phones ringing, no emails begging attention, no people interrupting, no pile of papers shouting for attention. Everything at ground level looks small, and in the case of this picture, was invisible due to the wonderful cloud below the plane. The clarity of the sky from the aircraft stretched our vision to the horizon – a new horizon. In such a situation many of the trials of ‘normal’ life seem so less pressing.
You don’t need to take time out like I was (albeit sometimes this is a very important), but you may need to get things into perspective and take a view from a higher place.
So is now a good time to put on your business oxygen mask first and look at what you want for you, your business, your clients before we get too busy with the pressures of the new year with a new month set to start?
I think so.
My best wishes,