Chains of coincidences – pedal or motorised

I was walking through one of the side streets of Oxford recently on my way back from a meeting and noticed the motorbikes that you can see in the picture. And whilst there is nothing unusual about motorbikes it did make me smile that in a city renown for the number of bicycles that here was a row of the motorised variety – in fact most of them were Harley Davidson’s, so powerful machines too. All of the motorbikes that were parked up had Germany registration plates, and as they were parked up next to one of the colleges it looked like they were visitors there.

All of the motorbikes were in pristine condition and clean.


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Taking time out – quiet but busy

I have been a little quiet with my articles of late – all for good reason. I think have mentioned before that I aim to undertake a personal development programme each year to keep me up to date and also see what is happening in the market. Last year I started a new Diploma in Coaching which has proved very useful. My initial coaching training was completed nearly 15 years ago, when if I mentioned I did coaching the assumption was that I taught tennis, golf or something similar. How times have changed now there is a real growth of the term, and also the understanding of the power this approach can have to personal development.


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